Detailed and Accurate Estimate Samples
Want to see what value you get out of using our services?
Check out our samples of our estimates across our two service levels, Express and Bespoke.
express estimates
Our Express Service is the perfect solution for small contractors working on projects where detailed architectural documents are scarce.
express estimates
Our Express Service is the perfect solution for small contractors working on projects where detailed architectural documents are scarce.
What You Get
Standard Format ( .pdf)
Concise and clear.
Excel Format (.xls)
Includes formulas for automatic calculation of changes in quantities or rates.
Detailed Format (.pdf)
Displaying comprehensive rate build-ups (composites), which is available upon request.
Detailed report categorising all resources used in the estimate, including Labour, Plant, Materials, Sundry, PC Sums, and Subcontractor rates.
Comprehensive report outlining total direct costs, preliminaries, Prime Costs, Provisional Sums, overheads, and profits – categorised for clarity.
bespoke estimates
Our service goes the extra mile to obtain specialist quotations and price your project in the format you provide. This approach ensures a fully accounted for and accurate estimate, tailored to the specific needs of your project.
BESPOKE estimates
Our service goes the extra mile to obtain specialist quotations and price your project in the format you provide. This approach ensures a fully accounted for and accurate estimate, tailored to the specific needs of your project.
What You Get
Standard Format ( .pdf)
If the Schedule of Works or Bill of Quantities is supplied, we’ll prepare the estimate in accordance with the provided documents. Alternatively, should these not be available, we’ll create a Schedule of Works.
Excel Format (.xls)
Includes formulas for automatic calculation of changes in quantities or rates.
Detailed Format (.pdf)
Displaying comprehensive rate build-ups (composites), which is available upon request.
Resources Report
Detailed report categorising all resources used in the estimate, including Labour, Plant, Materials, Sundry, PC Sums, and Subcontractor rates.
Tender Analysis
Comprehensive report outlining total direct costs, preliminaries, Prime Costs, Provisional Sums, overheads, and profits – categorised for clarity.
Packages (.xls)
Excel format detailing all packages for suppliers and subcontractors, with enquiries sent to preferred subcontractors or three chosen randomly, recorded in a table.
Compilation of all quotes gathered during the estimating process.
Which Estimate Level Is Right for Me?
Not sure which service is suitable for your project? We’ve got a handy tool to help you find out.
What you can expect from us
Receive clear estimates within 2 business days for Express Estimates or 5-7 business days for Bespoke Estimates.
Our experienced team analyses your project details to deliver reliable estimates utilising the latest BCIS rates.
Detailed Reports
Gain a clear understanding of costs with line-by-line breakdowns in our detailed reports.